Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Star List

An old teacher of mine “Mr. Lester” who taught a writing class established a star list.  We were never allowed to break any of rules established on the Star List.  I thought this document was lost forever. But while cleaning out my old 3.5’ diskettes.  I found it, I thought it would share it

1. do not use contractions they are informal not use the word there

3. do not use it

4 do not use first person (i me my we our)

5 do not use second person (you your)

6 do not use the words good,bad nice,really,very a lot,thing,anything

7. do not underline to emphasize

8. do not use slang not use abbreviations

10. do not use like as a comparison use such as

11. do not use absolutes such as always,forever,never

12. do not use upon not use people, or person not use the word different alone you must use different from

15 use between when speaking of 2. Use among when speaking ok 3 or more

16 do not use !!!!!!!!!

17 do not use due to use BECAUSE OF or AS A RESULT OF

18 no numbers to organize

19 do not refer to your own writing such as in this paper as i mentioned etc

20 do not use big little or interesting

21 do not use ONE as a person

22 do not use off of

23 do not use () ( )

24 do not use fun

25 do not use healthy use healthful

26 do not use situation or issue

27 do not use type of person

28 do not use centered around

29 do not use ::::::

30 do not ask questions

31 do not use "the reason and because in the same sentence

32 do not use the words in conclusion

33 never use extremely

34 do not use mad

35 do not write what something is not write what it IS

36 do not use many

37 do not use located

38 do not bring up a negative in a comparison or argument

39 do not use obvious simply state the fact if it is obvious

40 never assume anything the reader knows or believes


  1. Awesome! Thanks. I was hoping someone would post this. I had Mr. Lester too and always remembered the star list. Class of 1991.

  2. Hi Chris, I was laughing when I read number 19, because it reminded me of how in class he would always say "do no refer, not the drug, to..." He was a good teacher.
