Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Social buying

I know there are some great online shopping sites where people can write up reviews and then even say how useful those reviews are. (reviewing the reviewer)  But I think we can use some social media to take this a step forward (at least I would love it)  I was walking through target yesterday and came across a series of computers. These computers were for gift registries.  You all know what that is, whether they are for bridal registry, or baby registry i am sure most of us have participated in some way.  But what if we used the very same concept but added in some cool social media.

Imagine this:

You go into your favorite store and walk up to the computer, punch in your favorite reviewers twitter name.  The computer spits back a list of that twitterers favorite or recommended purchases.  So i am going shopping for a new geeky gadget.  I know that @mattbremer  is very geeky and must have a good recommendation. I look him up on the computer and it spits out his favorites (much like it would a registry list).  I click on my product choice and print out some info. Run to the back and pick it up. 

Wouldn't that be cool?

We could even take this in a few different directions.  When i buy it it could auto tweet it. 

If i buy it, the system could give points to the recomender and then each store could keep track of the top recomenders.

There are literally thousands of options. All of them could work great. My point is that we have the ability to bring social media into the normal brick and mortar stores.  Especially in today's economy, stores need to think differently and improve the experience customers have in their shopping at their stores.  As much as i hate to use the old expression, it does fit.  “Think outside the box”


What do you think?  Would you use a system like this?

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome here. You can find me on Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin. Or you can email me directly chris dot geier at Gmail.com

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