Monday, November 9, 2009

More than just good and fast coffee

Sitting here in one of my typical hangouts, Panera.  But this may not be my typical hangout for long.
Way back in February I wrote a blog article on tips for good service

In this blog I discussed how important good service and good food is to your choices in dinning.  But I now feel there may be even more to that idea.

Over the past few years I have come to this particular Panera A LOT, in fact I am there as I write this.  I have always enjoyed the experience.  The people were very nice, they recognize me, ask me how i am doing.  I genuinely enjoyed the interaction.  The "vibe" I got from the lot of them was all in all very good.  The food was always good, the "service" was always good.  Not to mention free internet.

Over the course of the past few months there has been a gradual and continual amount of employee turnover.  One by one the cool people I was used to interacting with stopped being there.  Replaced by...well more boring less interactive versions.  They still provided good service, the food was still the same, the wifi was still free.  Yet I have found myself not really all that excited or interested in coming in as often as I once did.  This has made me realize how important that customer connection is.  I felt connected in some small way to several of the people i interacted with on an almost daily basis.  In some strange way I wanted to go in and see them. I felt comfortable in the environment and a sense of belonging there. (Odd I know) At this point I do not feel drawn back, and as such I have dramatically reduced the frequency at which I go. 

The new people that have replaced those I have come to know, are not bad at their jobs, they are not bad or mean people.  They just don't have "IT" that customer facing connection making (Charisma, Authenticity?)  Those that had it here at panera, helped make this particular location into a place that i raved, and talked about.  I think it is precisely those types of people that can help you turn your company, your product into one that has a following of raving fans , one that has a connection with its community.  Its not just about the product you put out there, its not just achieving some arbitrary level of service like how fast they make me my coffee.  Its about that connection and that community they help build and foster.
How do you connect with your community and your customers? 


While not necessarily a component of this instance, I think social media can help establishing that connection with your community/customers.  If you can use social media in this way and establish that link, you too can work to stay connected with others and ensure you keep that link going.  Social media can help to establish and maintain a broader sense of community beyond employees and customers in one location but across geographies, product lines, groups, divisions etc.  Establishing that sense of belonging is the thing that builds communities and keeps people involved coming back.


What are you favorite haunts? why do you keep going back?  What community do you feel connected with, and why?  Drop me a note on twitter

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